Alyjah Ermine Neil
Recipient: Original People’s Investment Program
This chart does not include the public art stream, which will be reported separately.
was invested in 37 organizations (out of 93 eligible applications / 40% success rate) in one-time project funding through the Project Grant Program for Organizations.
supported 18 organizations through a joint initiative of Calgary Arts Development, Rozsa Foundation and Calgary Foundation aimed at assisting arts organizations in making strategic changes or decisions about their model, operations or focus that may inform existing and future programs
Participating organizations develop strategies and engage expertise to build their capacity and assist them in their journeys to navigate the questions, challenges and opportunities they face
supported 5 organizations addressing emerging needs related to organizational capacity activities that do not fit within the Future Focus Program
was invested in 163 individual artists or artist collectives (509 eligible applications) for specific projects in all artistic disciplines. The amount granted was up significantly (43%) from 2022 and yet we were still only able to award 32% of the eligible applications
was invested in 40 projects to support the innovation, preservation and revitalization of contemporary Indigenous artists and arts practices
was granted to 5 artists for artistic projects responding to, honouring or in memory of the loss of life, culture, ceremony and language amongst the original peoples of this land because of the residential school system
supported 12 artists to advance their practice, project or career, all working to preserve Indigenous culture and traditions
was invested in 127 individual artists (398 eligible applications/32% success rate) as one-time funding for professional and artistic skill development or business and career development activities
was invested in 43 initiatives, specifically for those who self-identify as equity-seeking or are led by and serve equity-seeking communities
was invested through grants and sponsorships in more than 40 projects supporting the creative economy, including the $240,000 operating grant for cSPACE Projects
was invested in 4 projects as well as supporting 35 organizations to pilot the Green Tools program through the Changemaker Program
Total participation in arts experiences produced by grantees
Total number of public activities produced by grantees
Total number of volunteers
Total number of volunteer hours
Total number of arts experiences for youth
Total attendance at arts activities for youth
Recipient: Original People’s Investment Program
Recipient: Artist Development Microgrant
Recipient: Project Grant, Individuals & Collectives
Recipient: Project Grant, Individuals & Collectives
Recipient: Operating Grant
Recipient: Project Grant for Organizations